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What is CSCS and How Do I Get a Card?

Posted on Thursday, 23rd August 2018

What is CSCS and How Do I Get a Card?

The Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) is the leading skills certification scheme in the UK construction industry and although there is no legislation that says a CSCS card is a must, it is unlikely you will find suitable employment in the industry without one.

This post details what the CSCS scheme is all about, the types of card available and how you can get your own CSCS card.

What Does CSCS mean?

Over the years there have been many an opinion expressed about CSCS, over what it proves or shows. 

To put it simply, when you hold a valid CSCS card it serves as verification of your identity and that you have the required training, qualifications and experience for the type of work you do or are applying for.

image shows a construction site and a group of builders

CSCS keeps a database of people within the industry who have achieved or are committed to achieving a recognised construction related qualification. The scheme, therefore, acts as a reassurance to employers that they are employing people who are who they say they are, and that they haven’t told any fibs on their CV!

This is important for obvious reasons; the construction industry can be a hazardous occupation. It’s important that everyone in the industry can be identified correctly in case of an accident and that people are knowledgeable about the jobs that they apply for.

Do I Need a CSCS Card?

As mentioned, holding a CSCS card is not a legislative requirement but if you work in the construction industry you will more than likely need one. Especially if you are seeking work with a major contractor or homebuilder.

Saying that it is entirely up to the principal contractor or client whether workers are required to hold cards.

What CSCS Card Do I Need?

There are 13 different cards altogether, although some of these are due to be phased out in the future.

Which card you need will depend on your occupation, what training you have already completed, and what qualification/s you have.

Cards range from starter ones for apprentices who are undertaking training, to supervisors or site visitor cards.

image shows a piece of heavy site machinery

The requirements for each card can be checked by using the CSCS cardfinder which will also confirm which type of CITB health, safety and environment test you need to take, and pass.

Where Can I Apply for A CSCS Card and What is the Cost?

You can order your card directly with the CSCS Contact Centre on 0344 994 4777.  Remember that you will need to have identification and proof of the training or qualification that is relevant to the type of card you are applying for. You will need to have your current or previous employers’ details to hand too.

The cost of the card is £30 and will rise to £36 from 1st September 2018. 

How Can Essential Site Skills Help?

Here at Essential Site Skills, we see ourselves as a vital part of the picture in helping you get the CSCS card you are after.  

To successfully gain a CSCS card you must be able to prove that you have achieved a nationally recognised qualification in a construction related skill. We offer a variety of qualifications to support your application, please contact us for information and advice on how to apply for the correct card.

Alternatively, if you have an idea what sort of training course you are looking for, use the box at the top of this page to search our range of courses or take a look at our course index