CITB Skills & Training Fund

Targeted at construction companies employing up to 250 staff, this exceptional funding opportunity offers a robust solution for advancing employee training and achieving NVQ qualifications. Retrain and retain your workforce by accessing up to £50,000 in funding support per year.

Reinforce your company's commitment to continuous development and competitive edge in the industry, secure funding for your training and NVQs!

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News Update

Exciting News – Up to £50k of funding! CITB is saying goodbye to the one-year restriction. Now, you have the opportunity to apply for the Skills and Training Fund twice within a 12-month period. Submit your second fund application once your current agreement is finalised and recorded. Email for more information.

Unlocking Opportunities with the CITB Skills and Training Fund

The CITB Skills and Training Fund is a dynamic initiative aimed at micro, small, and medium-sized construction companies (up to 250 employees). It is designed to stimulate and support employee training with a focus on construction-specific needs that align with the CITB grant scheme, as well as related construction courses and NVQs. Furthermore, the fund extends its support to a broader spectrum of activities, placing a significant emphasis on fostering innovation and enhancing management and leadership skills. For comprehensive details, please consult the Small Guidance Notes or Medium Guidance Notes.

Empower Your Growth with Training Grants of up to £25,000

For micro to medium sized businesses, the CITB's Skills and Training Fund offers financial assistance of up to £25,000. This funding is intended to facilitate investments in training and equip your workforce for the future. The Skills and Training Fund serves as an additional incentive to access CITB grant-eligible training programs and supports a wide array of activities. You also have the flexibility to utilise the funding to customise a training program in construction or leadership and management that aligns with the unique requirements of your business and your staff. Whether your aim is to enhance operational efficiency, seize growth opportunities, or inspire your team, this support ensures that you are better prepared to tackle the challenges of the future.

CITB Funding Small

Funding for small and micro-size businesses

Skills and Training Fund for small or micro-sized construction companies with up to 99 employees.

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CITB Funding

Funding for medium-sized businesses

Skills and Training fund for medium-sized construction companies with between 100 and 250 employees.

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  • Who can apply for the Skills and Training Fund?

    You can apply if:

    • you are a CITB-registered employer and up to date with your Levy Returns
    • you have up to 250 directly employed staff on the payroll
    • any previous project paid for by the Skills and Training fund has been signed off as complete.
  • How much can I apply for?

    The amount of funding you can apply for depends on the number of employees you have:

    • Employers with CIS only (no PAYE) can receive up to 2500
    • Employers with 1 to 49 directly employed staff can receive up to £5000
    • Employers with 50 to 74 directly employed staff can receive up to £7500
    • Employers with 75 to 99 directly employed staff can receive up to £10,000
    • Employers with between 100 and 149 directly employed staff can receive up to £15,000
    • Employers with between 150 and 199 directly employed staff can receive up to £20,000
    • Employers with between 200 and 250 directly employed staff can receive up to £25,000

How to apply

To download the application form, along with guidance and details on how to apply, please find further information on the CITB website.

More information

How can we help?

We provide a wide range of construction training and construction related NVQ qualifications to include in your application. We are also here to offer support if you need any advice when completing your application. Call us on 0115 8970 529, or email us below.

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