Safeguarding Statement

Essential Site Skills are committed to working with others to ensure that people who enrol on programmes of learning do so in an environment that is free from prejudice and safe from abuse. We recognise that it is everyone’s responsibility and we can all play a part in preventing, being alert to and responding appropriately to abuse and /or neglect.

Specifically we aim to: raise awareness about the abuse and/or neglect of children, young people and adults at risk, develop a culture that does not tolerate such abuse and encourages people to raise concerns, prevent abuse from happening wherever possible,  respond promptly and proportionately where abuse does happen to stop the abuse and ensure the person harmed receives effective and appropriate support including ongoing support / after care work within the agreed multi agency framework ensuring a coordinated response to safeguarding. This policy is underpinned by associated procedures that provide straightforward guidance for all staff about what to do if any concerns are identified about harm / abuse, including where a member of staff may be implicated. They ensure that we respond promptly and effectively when there are concerns of abuse / harm to a child or young person or an adult at risk. These are not intended to be used in isolation but in conjunction with other policies and procedures to promote best practice including the complaints procedure, whistle blowing policy and within employment practices such as recruitment.

Essential Site Skills aims to create a culture of vigilance through ensuring all staff receive comprehensive safeguarding training from induction, training and regular updates. We aim to raise and promote the awareness of safeguarding for all employers and learners by embedding safeguarding across all our delivery programmes.

You can access the ESS Safeguarding Policy HERE.

The Safeguarding Team

Ms Catherine Storer

Safeguarding Director (SD)

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 07985 281 546

Office: 0115 8970 529

Mr Nick Yoxall

Strategic Safeguarding Lead (SSL)

Email: [email protected] 

Tel: 07803 590 432

Office: 0115 8970 529

Ms Katy Baker

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Email: [email protected] 

Tel: 07985 728 605

Office: 0115 8970 529

Safeguarding E-Learning Courses